Govt revitalizing 14 madrasas to support education in NTB

id madrasa,NTB Province,MTs,MI,MAN,rehabilitation,renovation,revitalization,MTsN,Basuki Hadimuljono,Public Works and Public

Govt revitalizing 14 madrasas to support education in NTB

One of the Islamic schools in West Nusa Tenggara province that has been renovated by the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry. (ANTARA/Aji Cakti/uyu)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry is targeting to complete the renovation of 14 Islamic schools (madrasas) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) by April 2023 to improve the quality of education in the province.

The revitalization of the educational facilities was among President Joko Widodo's (Jokowi’s) directives to the ministry, PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said in a statement released on Tuesday.

The ministry has been asked to expedite the construction and rehabilitation of schools and madrasas as well as to continue the ongoing construction of several state universities (PTNs)/state Islamic colleges (PTKINs) across Indonesia.

"We will continue the construction of educational facilities to support the improvement of the quality of human resources,” the minister affirmed.

He said he expects the community to optimize the utilization of the education facilities that have been developed. “The young generations must be smarter (than the older ones) since the infrastructure is better," he remarked.

The rehabilitation of the 14 madrasas in NTB province has been carried out since June 2022 with a budget allocation of Rp60.6 billion, which was sourced from the 2022–2023 State Budget (APBN).

The schools include State Islamic Junior High School (MTsN) 1 West Lombok, MTsN 3 Central Lombok, MTsN 3 East Lombok, MTsN 4 East Lombok, MTsN 1 Dompu, MTsN 1 Bima, MTsN 4 Sumbawa, MTsN 4 Bima, and MTsN 5 Bima.

They further comprise the State Islamic Senior High School (MAN) Insan Cendikia East Lombok, MAN 2 East Lombok, MAN West Sumbawa, MAN 2 Sumbawa, as well as State Islamic Elementary School (MIN) 4 Sumbawa.

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Cumulatively, the progress of the renovation of the schools has currently reached 50 percent. Director of strategic infrastructure at the Directorate General of Human Settlements of the PUPR Ministry, Essy Asiah, informed that since 2022, her party has been renovating 83 madrasas throughout the country, including the 14 Islamic schools in NTB province.

"It is mandated by the Presidential Regulation Number 43 of 2019 concerning the development, rehabilitation, or renovation of people's markets, higher education infrastructure, Islamic higher education institution, as well as elementary and secondary education units,” she added.